At XIX International we run international trade deals with assurance that power tomorrow's economy.

Protecting client's interest

We always aim to get the best possible deals for our clients when it comes to contracting.

Managing supply chain

We offer our practical experience to assist clients in managing trade related processes from production to warehousing, logistics and other trade related matters.

Financial management

We help clients to negotiate best pricing and best payment terms. At times, we also assist clients in raising capital to execute deals.

Our Clients

Institutional and Private Companies (Buyers)

We’ve assited buying clients to close over $200 million worth of international trade deals


Producers, Manufacturers and Trading Companies (Sellers)

We managed to navigate sales and negotiate international trade deals for our selling clients worth of $300M.


Our Values

We are deeply committed to the values that define our character and culture.

Relentlessly pursue excellence

We strive to be the best at what we do, applying our global talent and scale to generate compelling outcomes for our clients.

Never compromise integrity

We adhere to the highest standards of integrity, maintaining and deepening our clients’ trust.

Outperform through innovation

We approach our work with a builder mindset, creating new opportunities through innovation and entrepreneurialism.

Deliver for our customers

We are meticulous custodians of capital, deploying it when we have conviction that we can deliver lasting value.

Work humbly, work together

We build diverse teams of extraordinary professionals who advocate for the best ideas and celebrate each other’s wins.

Note: All figures as of October 16, 2023, unless otherwise indicated.
*As of October 16, 2023. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and there can be no assurance that such returns will be
achieved, that the firm will achieve comparable results or be able to implement its investment strategy or achieve its investment objectives for clients. Capital raised amount represents all firm's partners combined capital raised for clients.